Intrinsic Nourishing Exercises

These exercises will calm the mind and sympathetic nervous system, stimulate the internal organs and restore your balance. They can improve the condition of those with problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia and neurasthenia (a problem concerning the nervous system).

1. Rub the hands together until they feel hot.
2. Massage the Tai Yeung points with the hands, rotating nine times first in an anti-clockwise direction, then in an clockwise direction. (fig .i)
3. Interlock your fingers together (fig.ii) and hold the back of your neck. Move your head back a little and massage the neck by moving the hands left to right. Repeat nine to eighteen times.
4. Place your right hand on the left side of the chest. Massage up and down nine times (fig.iii). Repeat on the opposite side.
This exercise is especially good for easing backache (Lumbago) and feelings of nausea.
5. Men place the left hand on the navel and cover it with the right hand. Women place the right hand on the navel and left on top. Massage 24 times in a clockwise direction.

Natural Standing Position.
1. Stand with the feet parallel, about shoulder width apart.
2. Face forwards and relax the neck. Thus the Pak Wai points straight up.
3. Gently close the eyes and mouth.
4. Keep the tongue lightly touching the roof of the mouth.
5. Relax the shoulders and elbows.
6. Relax the chest and back. Make sure you do not bend the back.
7. Relax the waist and legs.
8. Stand relaxed and slightly concentrate the mind on the Dantien an area inside the body about 3cm below the navel.

Sittting Posture.
Sit as far forward on the chair as is comfortable. Keep the back straight and feet about shoulder width apart. The lower legs should be perpendicular to the ground with a 90 degree bend at the knees. This may require the chairs height to be adjusted. Other details are as in the standing posture.

Supine Posture.
Lie flat on your back. Slightly raise the head with a pillow or cushion. Straighten the legs and arms and lie naturally.

Strength Posture
Similar to Supine Posture. Raise the head about 20 cm using a pillow or cushion. Put something under your shoulders and back to form a slope with your upper body. Straighten the legs and arms, place both palms on the thighs.

Lying Sideways
Lie on your side. Bow your head a little. Keep your head and neck in place with a pillow. Slightly bend your back. If you lie on your right side, stretch the fingers of your right hand place it on the pillow about 5 cm from your face, with the palm facing upwards. Extend your left arm and fingers naturally and put the palm on your left thigh. Stretch your right leg naturally. Bend your left leg with about a 120 degree at the knee, and put it lightly on your right leg. If you lie on your left side, reverse the positions of your limbs. Concentrate your mind on the Dantien. This will keep your mind calm and your internal organs active.

A person usually begins with the lying posture. You can choose the Supine position or lie on your left or right side according to your habits and malady. A patient suffering from a Peptic Ulcer, Chronic Gastritis or Gastroptosis should lie on the right side. This is because the Duodenum is in the right side, where the contents of the stomach are easily evacuated. The lying and sitting postures may be practised alternately or separately. The Strength Posture should be practised at a later stage to add strength to the body.

The Ending Exercise. (Sau Gong)
Imagine all the vital energy is concentrated at the Dantien, then it disperses to every part of of your body such as the head, hands and feet. Rub your hands together until they are hot. Place the forefingers at the Ying Heung points. ‘Wash’ the face three times. Finally open the eyes.

by Michael Tse

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