Brief Introduction of Acupressure Points

Tong Zi Liao means pupil crevice and is one of the strong acupuncture points. It is located one inch to the side of our eyes.

It belongs to the Gall Bladder Channel and is also sometimes known by another name, Tai Yang.

This point can help headaches and help clear pressure from the head. Some Asian people massage this point to help car or sea sickness. Others will even rub medicated oil into this area, especially for headaches.

In martial arts, when someone hits this point, it can knock them down.

Dai Mei means Belt Channel and is a very important point at the lower part of the body.

It is located in a straight line down from the end of the eleventh rib and is horizontally level with the navel. This point can help stomachache, blood circulation,  tension  and  women’s menstrual pains.

Huan Tiao means Circular Jump. This means when you press hard on these points,your whole body will jump.

Huan Tiao belongs to the Gall Bladder Channel and is good for arthritis, numbness in the legs, backache.

It is particularly good for the lower part of the body.

Ming Men means the Gate of Life and is a very important point for our life. It is related to the Du Channel and is located at the lower back, directly opposite the Dantien.

It is good for the kidneys and energy and backache.

Update on 5/12/2012

The Yintang point is located on the forehead and is a very important point.

It is also called the Sky-eye and the Upper Dantien. In our bodies we have three Dantiens. The Lower Dantien, which is connected to the Qihai point, and the Middle Dantien which is connected to the Shanzhong point.

The Yintang point is connected to the Upper Dantien and does not belong to any of the acupuncture channels. It is an extraordinary point which is related the brain and thinking.

When we practice Qigong we never concentrate on this point as it is too sensitive. If you concentrate and bring the Qi to this point, you can easily feel pressure because the Qi stays there. It will take the Qi a long time to sink.

If this point is opened, however, then you may be able to see the color of Qi and people’s channels and internal organs. This is a level many Qigong practitioners want to reach.

When we practice Qigong, though we never think about the Sky-eye to try and open it. Instead, we stimulate it with the movements.

Hegu” means connected valleys. When you open your hand, the acupuncture point is located between the thumb and the index finger.

So it is look likes a valley, connected by the two fingers. The Hegu point belongs to the Large Intestine Channel which is also related to the Lung Channel.

If you have a problem with these organs, you can rub the Hegu points to make you feel better. These points are also good for toothache, sore throats, headaches, a blocked nose, stomach-ache and high blood pressure.

Laogong means “Laboured Palace”. It is located in the middle of the palm. When you close your fingers, the point where the tip of the middle finger touches the palm is the Laogong point.

The Laogong point is used a lot for Qi transmission as this point is the strongest for emitting Qi. This is because it is on the Pericardium channel, which is related to the heart and protects it.

The Laogong point is good for maintaining heat, especially in winter. When it is cold you can close your hands to keep your body warm. You feel much warmer because you are closing the Laogong point.

The Laogong point is also good for calming the mind, relieving nausea and clearing bad smells in the mouth.

Shenshu” means “Kidney Shu”. “Shu” means that Qi goes to that particular area more strongly. The Shenshu point is on the Urinary Bladder Channel.

The Urinary Bladder is related to the Kidneys. When this point is stimulated, it is good for kidney problems, low energy, tiredness, stress, backache, women’s menstrual problems as well as sounds and pains in the ear.

Quepen“(also known as Supraclavicular Fossa) means “Broken Plate”.

It is located in the deep area behind the collar bone. When you touch this point you can feel the pulse. The Quepen point is related to the Stomach Channel and is good for breathing problems and coughing.

In Qigong practice, we close the five fingers to stimulate the Quepen Point.

Yingxiang” means “Welcome the Fragrance”.

These points are located on either side of the nose.

They are used for smelling. They are used in treatment of blocked sinuses, loss of smell and an itchy and swollen face.

When you practise, after meditation you rub, or wash, your face with your hands, starting from the sides of the nose, with the index fingers touching the Yingxiang points.

(to be updated)

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